Permanent HAC station instrument: Continuous Particulate Monitor (BAM1020)
The BAM 1020 automatically measures and records PM10 airborne particulate concentration levels in milligrams or micrograms per cubic meter. It uses the principle of beta ray attenuation and was installed at Helmos Mt. since 11/2018. It has hourly data recording time step, hourly filter progress and automatic span calibration checks.
BAM 1020 Continuous Particulate Monitor specifications
Accuracy: Exceeds U.S. EPA Class III PM2.5 FEM standards for additive and multiplicative bias
Data Resolution: 0.1 µg/m3
Hourly DetectionLim 2σ: < 4.8 µg/m3 (3.6 µg/m3 typical)
Flow Rate: 16.7 liters per minute, actual or standard flow conditions
Filter Tape: Glass fiber filter tape, 60 days of operation per roll